It’s always fun to get to check out a new book before the rest of the world sees it. And The Suburban Micro-Farm by Amy Stross was no exception. This gardening book really does cover it all, and there is plenty for both the beginner, and advanced gardener.
If you are living on a small plot of land, you’ll really appreciate Amy’s years of experience and wisdom in getting the most of every inch of your property. She’ll teach you how to build your soil, and to grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
Amy is well-schooled in permaculture techniques and they are woven into every aspect of the book. You’ll not only learn to garden, but you’ll learn how to capture water (with swales and rain barrels) and how to use that water wisely.
The Suburban Micro-Farm will teach you what you need to know to grow fruit and what other plants to grow with that fruit to keep it healthy and well-nourished.
In the section on herbs, you’ll learn why an herb spiral is so beneficial and how to build one yourself. Goodness, she even covers how to use a parking strip to get the most of your valuable space.
All of the author’s experience means that you won’t be spending hours a day growing your own food. By following her time-saving tips, Amy will show you how to get it done in just 15 minutes a day.
Also included are worksheets, checklists, calendars and a harvest log to keep you organized. Really, she’s thought of everything here. I love, too, the list of further reading at the back of the book and the well organized index.
My favorite chapter is the one on Making Money on the Suburban Micro-Farm. Amy’s ideas go beyond just selling produce. I was so encouraged that someone with just a small plot of land could use it to earn an income.
I highly recommend The Suburban Micro-Farm by Amy Stross.
Thank you for visiting Learning And Yearning. May "the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Num 6:24-26
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