I began making ornaments for family and friends the first year I was married. That is a tradition I love and have continued for over 30 years. There has been a lot of variety and it is fun to see how the collection has grown.
This year I wanted to make an ornament from the garden. I’ve never grown gourds, but I had seen miniature ones and thought I could come up with an ornament or two. If you don’t grow your own, you make purchase mini gourds here.
I was inspired by gourd ornaments I had seen from Peru which had been decorated with a wood burning tool. I had no experience with wood burning but I thought I would give it a try with my gourds. The tool I purchased came with 4 different heads for creating various designs.
I used a scrap piece of wood from Mike’s shop to practice and soon felt that I was ready to begin decorating gourds. My first step, though, was to drill a small hole in the top of each gourd and insert a wire hanger into them.
I put a drop of glue into each hole to help secure the hanger. I created the hanger with a 4″ piece of copper wire which I wrapped twice around a pencil and then twisted together.
For the ornaments that would become bird houses, I used the tool to burn holes through the gourd that were about a half inch in diameter. I then began “doodling” with the wood burner.
I did not have specific patterns in mind for each gourd, but would just experiment with the various tips to see what each would do. Some were disasters, others I liked.
I then decided to cut the bottoms off a few gourds to see if I could make a bell. I used tips of gourds as clappers. I began to play with some of the pieces that had been cut from the gourds and decided that I could use these to make mushrooms.
I had hoped to finish the gourds with a natural finish and I tried cooking oil for this. It worked well on many of them, but on others it brought out dark imperfections which were unattractive.
So, in the end, I sprayed a light coat of varnish on them. Finally, I added fishing line to some and raffia to others to complete the ornament. They are now ready for tree hanging and gift giving!
And, of course, I’ll save a few for our own tree!
Thank you for visiting Learning And Yearning. May "the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Num 6:24-26
Donna says
Susan, you are amazing, I will hang mine on my tree and brag about my smart, creative and wonderful DIL. I always point out to friends the different ornements that you have given me throughout the many years that you have been a part of our family. love you very much!!
learningandyearning says
It’s such a pleasure to make them when they are so appreciated!!!! I love you, too, with all my heart.
Michael says
We always love the home ornaments – every year when we decorate the tree we always look forward to putting your ornaments on – especially the bent spoons!
learningandyearning says
The bent spoons (and forks) are among my favorites as well! My only disappointment is that this year’s won’t be a surprise. Thanks for the encouragement!
Cathy says
Susan you are so creative. They are just beautiful.
learningandyearning says
Thanks, Cathy! I appreciate that! I love that God gave us the gift of creativity, don’t you?
Melissa says
Susan! Love it, Love it, Love it! So creative! I totally want to make these next year 🙂
cristina alexander says
i love mine!!!!! thanks for giving me the the one I like the best!!!! i cant wait for you to see the one i made for you!!!! i was afraid to send it since its glass ( as i am sure you assumed) Merry Christmas!!!!
Jennifer Hamby says
these are totally awesome. you are the coolest.
learningandyearning says
Jennifer, I have to disagree. YOU are the coolest. I appreciate you and Jared so much and I’m so happy you are in my life!
aperturegirl says
These are fantastic! I really like the last one :). Getting ornaments from my Grandparents is my favorite tradition. 🙂
learningandyearning says
Thank you! Our children always say that we have the nicest tree – I’m sure it’s the attachment to the homemade ornaments.
Sue R. says
These are beautiful and creative…and inspires me to give it a try. I have a wood burning tool but will need to practice a bit more. Fun story about that tool–I asked for the wood burning set for Christmas one year and my son-in-law wrapped up a box of matches for me! (The real tool was in another package!) I love our creativeness that comes from our Creator.
Susan Vinskofski says
Thanks for putting a smile on my face; I love that Christmas story!!!