I’ve been curious about The Eczema Cure: Heal From the Inside Out with Real Food by Emily Bartlett for a while now. I’ve even mentioned it to a friend whose son has eczema with the caveat that I had not read it myself. Well, I finally downloaded the book and I’m impressed. Discussing why traditional medicine often fails to cure eczema, Bartlett says:
The common western treatments for eczema include: steroid creams, non-steroid petroleum based lotions, antihistamines, and anti-itch medicines. These medications work with varying degrees of success, but typically after a variable period of time, the eczema flares again – sometimes while the medications are still being used.
These treatments fail because stopping the rash does not resolve the reason why the rash is happening in the first place. Eczema (and in fact, most skin conditions) is a reflection of a deeper, internal imbalance typically originating from poor digestion. When a dermatologist gives you creams and medicines to make the skin clear, the internal issues are not addressed.
According to the author, eczema may manifest itself externally, but is, at it’s core, almost always an internal digestive issue with Leaky Gut Syndrome most likely the root cause.
In The Eczema Cure: Heal From the Inside Out with Real Food, Emily Bartlett, holistic health practitioner and licensed acupuncturist, outlines a 4 step plan of action to cure eczema from the inside out:
- Identify and avoid triggers
- Put out the fire
- Strengthen your defenses
- Heal your eczema with Real food
What I didn’t expect when I opened this book was that it would be such a rich source of information on real food, with lots of instruction for preparing food in a way that assures good digestion for maximum nourishment. And the author includes lots of great recipes for foods that heal. This book, in my opinion, would be a valuable resource for anyone trying to heal digestive issues, not just for those with eczema.
Bartlett says, “Some babies are born with eczema or develop it shortly after birth. Officially, the cause is “unknown,” but one theory really seems to stand out – the parents poor gut flora is passed along to baby, leaving the child susceptible to gut dysbiosis and systemic inflammation.” The before and after photo above is of the author’s daughter. On the left, she is 10 months old and is sensitive to wheat, dairy, and strawberries. On the right, she is 2 and her skin is clear after her mom implemented the protocol shared in The Eczema Cure.
To find out more, or to purchase The Eczema Cure eBook click here.
Thank you for visiting Learning And Yearning. May "the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Num 6:24-26
Emily In The Green says
My daughters face looked exactly like that around the time she turned one and her whole body deteriorated over the next 2 years before I finally had the courage to step away from the conventional allergist and pediatrician and see a holistic pediatrician (M.D.) and within 6 months saw a transformation just as amazing as yours – wish I hadn’t waited the two years! The long commute and higher doctors bills and confused looks from family and friends are nothing compared to the improvement we have seen in her!
Keep it REAL 😉
Susan says
That is such wonderful news! Thank you for sharing!
Courtney says
Thank you for mentioning this book. I will definitely take a look. I am currently in the processing of healing my eczema and would love to read up on this approach. I was not born with eczema, but developed it within the last two years. I believe it’s related to Leaky Gut Syndrome, but I haven’t been able to confirm it. I first visited my GP who prescribed creams and told me it was incurable, then I visited a dermatologist who did the same. Finally, when I couldn’t stand the itch anymore, I visited an allergist, who performed a skin test for food allergies. I found out I was allergic to barley, rye, oats, buckwheat, and rice: all of the gluten-free grains I started to consume regularly when I went gluten-free two years ago in an effort to get rid of my cystic acne! I’m convinced Leaky Gut Syndrome caused those once harmless foods to become serious allergens. I’ve been following a Paleo diet for a little over a month and have seen some tremendous healing. Eczema is such a beast of a condition because it could be caused by so many things! But I don’t doubt that it’s curable. Again, thank you for sharing.
Susan says
Good for you for taking your health into your own hands and persevering. I know the road isn’t easy! I hope you find help in Emily Bartlett’s book.
Mary@Back to the Basics! says
Fantastic resource!!! We are constantly inundated with pharmacuetical poisons every day when sometimes the answers can be found in our own backyard.
Thank you for sharing at Tuesdays with a Twist!
Jenny says
Great info! Thank you for sharing this and linking it up to the HomeAcre Hop! Look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning:
Hannah J says
I’ll have to talk to my husband about this. My son started to get eczema a few months into his life. I’ve blamed it on a grass allergy, but I wonder if the book would help him at all. Thank you.
Check out my blog at:
Susan says
I sure hope that you can find the help you need for your son. Thanks for sharing your blog url. Your topics are definitely interesting to me!
Victoria Thurman says
This is an inspiring news especially for eczema sufferers. I’ve been suffering from eczema too and I totally hate the experience and burden. I wasn’t only suffering from itching and irritation but my self- confidence has gone low. I started to focus on my diet and used the natural ways of treating it. The natural remedy I followed from eczematreatmentnow.com has helped me a lot, I learned to focus on addressing the root cause of the issue rather than on its symptoms. I would say, stay focus on the treatment and work inside out.