Author Shannon Hayes recently published a new cookbook, Free Range Farm Girl: Cooking Grassfed Beef. If you’re new to cooking grass-fed beef, you know that using your old methods of cooking may result in dry meat. And we all want our beef to be moist, flavorful, and tender.Continue Reading
Book Review: Vibrant Food
The new cookbook Vibrant Food by Kimberley Hasselbrink is, well, vibrant. Full of beautiful photography of beautiful food, Vibrant Food is quite inspirational. The 66 recipes are arranged by season and are a gardener’s (and forager’s) delight.Continue Reading
Can Real Food Cure Eczema?
I’ve been curious about The Eczema Cure: Heal From the Inside Out with Real Food by Emily Bartlett for a while now. I’ve even mentioned it to a friend whose son has eczema with the caveat that I had not read it myself. Well, I finally downloaded the book and I’m impressed. Discussing why traditional medicine often fails to cure eczema, Bartlett says:Continue Reading
Real Food Fermentation by Alex Lewin
I’ve fallen in love with fermenting vegetables over the past year and I think that Alex Lewin’s book Real Food Fermentation will help me to take this to a new level. His book is a gorgeous, hands-on guide to food fermentation at home. Continue Reading
Born Again Dirt: Book Review
Born Again Dirt: Farming to the Glory of God by Noah Sanders was published a few months ago, and I devoured it immediately. I don’t consider myself a writer, and so it has taken me a while to review it. (Sounds like a strange thing to say for someone with a blog, but my posts are more a chronicle of what I do, that don’t require a lot of writing skill). But the book is frequently on my mind, and I thought it valuable enough to force myself to do it.Continue Reading