Honey Mustard Salad Dressing with Probiotics
Honey Mustard Salad Dressing (with Probiotics)
Are there any food wars disagreements in your house? We argue about bread and salad dressing.
I love olive oil and balsamic vinegar with garlic, salt and pepper. I’d be happy with that as a dressing for the rest of my life. Mike is sick of it, and so he buys dressing that has some questionable ingredients.Continue Reading
DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes from Mommypotamus
Why Bother Making Your Own Cleaning Supplies
I just happen to be a DIY kind of person. But there are so many more reasons to make your own non-toxic cleaning recipes than just because you enjoy doing so. Yes, making your own is an amazing way to save money. But that doesn’t come close to being the most important reason, either.Continue Reading
Common Makeup Ingredients: Are They Safe?
Common Makeup Ingredients: Are They Safe?
Sometimes change is instantaneous. I watched Food, Inc., and immediately started buying pastured meat, milk and eggs from local farms. I never looked back. With other things, for some inexplicable reason, I’ve been slower to clean up my exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Continue Reading
Can Real Food Cure Eczema?
I’ve been curious about The Eczema Cure: Heal From the Inside Out with Real Food by Emily Bartlett for a while now. I’ve even mentioned it to a friend whose son has eczema with the caveat that I had not read it myself. Well, I finally downloaded the book and I’m impressed. Discussing why traditional medicine often fails to cure eczema, Bartlett says:Continue Reading