When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I relied on the local public library to feed my insatiable desire for information on self-reliant living. Attainable Sustainable: the Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living by Kris Bordessa was just the type of book I would relish finding, and covet owning.Continue Reading
Urban Farming for Kids!
Oh, wow! What a great idea. An online class – Urban Farming for Kids – taught by kids!! My kids are grown, but I sure would have loved this resource when they were little. It’s awesome to watch these kids – Ethan and Lydia – as they do such a great job teaching other kids how to garden, raise chickens, milk a goat, and more.Continue Reading
Are We Homesteaders?
Mike and I started dating when he was 13 and I was 14. Most of our “dates” consisted of swimming at the YMCA, walking, and making tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches at his parents house. And we spent countless hours pouring over The Foxfire Books. We were going to homestead.Continue Reading
How To Render Lard or Tallow
Whenever we purchase grass-fed beef or pastured pork from a local farmer, we ask for the fat, too, so that we can render lard or tallow. It’s a great way to save money since the rendered fat can be used in cooking, soap making, and skin care.Continue Reading
The Foxfire Books
Mike and I started dating when he was 13 and I was 14. Most of our “dates” consisted of walking, swimming at the YMCA and making grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup at his parents house. And we spent countless hours pouring over The Foxfire Book and its sequels. We were going to homestead.Continue Reading