The small green squash can be harvested as a summer squash, or allowed to grow to full size. The squash will then turn yellow and the skin will harden similar to butternut squash.
I’ve tried a new squash this year, an amazing one that grows 3 – 4 feet long. When harvested young, small, and green, it is used as a summer squash. When fully mature, tromboncino squash is similar to butternut squash.
I grew three plants this year, but I’ll probably plant only one or two at the most next year. The vining squash is prolific growing much more than my space allowed and I just kept trimming it back.
To grow tromboncino squash, direct sow the seed about 2 feet apart in the spring after all danger of frost has passed. The vine needs to be trellised to allow room for the long fruit to grow and hang freely. These can be quite heavy – 5 or more pounds each – so be sure that your trellis can handle the weight.
To use as a yellow summer squash, harvest at any size while still green. For a hard, winter squash, allow it to stay on the vine until it is yellow and the skin has hardened. Be sure to harvest before a frost.
I used one tromboncino squash to make six pies. Get the recipe here.
Find tromboncino squash seeds here.
To learn how to build a garden that builds healthy soil, be sure to check out my eBook The Art of Gardening: Building Your Soil. You really can become a better gardener, and you really can grow healthy, nourishing produce. It’s all about the soil! Click here to buy now.
Thank you for visiting Learning And Yearning. May "the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Num 6:24-26
rebecca says
I have read about the trombocino squash and am planning to plant some in our garden next year. We live in the south (Georgia) and have such trouble with squash vine borers getting into the stems of the yellow crooknecks and zucchini, but I understand the trombocino has a harder stem and is more resistant to the borers. Did you find that to be the case?
susanv says
Well, I had vine borers in my zucchini this year, but not in the tromboncino. Next year I plan to wrap the young squash stems in foil to hopefully prevent the problem.
Kathy @ Mind Body and Sole says
Wow! I’ve never heard of tromboncino, I’m curious how it tastes hardened off. Thanks for sharing this post on Wildcrafting Wednesday. 🙂
susanv says
I’ve yet to bake one; soon!
Valeria says
We just baked one that was allowed to harden off. Absolutely delicious. A delicate butter nut flavor. We didn’t grow it but will be next year! Love the idea of them at the grocery store, we bought ours from a road side farm stand! Perfect!
Susan Vinskofski says
Foy Update says
I was had several tabs open on this summer squash when I saw that you were the first link on the Eat Make Grow blog hop! We have a ‘Rampicante’ this year at the CSA. We harvested a bunch yesterday and I was wondering what to do with them. I didn’t know they could be a winter squash too.
Our biggest draw back is that they don’t fit into the coolers when we are packing up the shares. Also they are fairly delicate and easy to break while harvesting or bringing in from the field. Probably why you don’t see them in the grocery stores. I haven’t cooked one yet, but I am looking forward to it!
susanv says
I’ve often imagined them in the grocery store. It would be funny to see how customers and the cashiers would deal with them. Also, one of them is way too much for one meal, but that is good news to me, since I’ll have plenty to freeze.
Jen says
Whoa. Those are huge. I think I will try planting some of those next season if I can find some seeds. 🙂 Do they come in heirloom varieties?
susanv says
I don’t think it’s been hybridized at all. They are available here: Fedco says they are open-pollinated which is the same as heirloom.
becky3086 says
I have grown this before and they did well here in NE Georgia. I need to get up a good trellis so I can grow them again.
susanv says
The one that grew along the ground has been chewed by chipmunks, so yes, trellising is best.
Jacqueline @ says
Hello, Susan V,
I am so glad you linked up and shared your curious, but delightful variety of squash! I will plant it for sure! Also, I would like to feature you tomorrow on the ‘EOA’ link-up! Thanks, new friend!
susanv says
Thanks, Jacqueline! You’ll have to let me know what you think of the squash!
Dani Meyer says
This is great Susan! How did they taste as winter squash?
Found you from a friend sharing your tomato trellis system which is AMAZING!!
We would love to have you share this and the trellis over at the Farm Girl Friday blog fest we host every Friday and in our Homestead Resource Guide Link Ups! I’m sure there are lots of other great posts I have yet to discover on here too that we’d love to have you share!
The Homestead Resource Guide is a new permanent link up we are building and we just got started so you have the chance to get a top spot on any categories you like still!
Susan says
We love it. The squash did not keep as long as an acorn or a butternut, so I cooked them all up and froze them in 2 c. packages. And they make a fantastic pie! I’ll bookmark your site and link up. Thanks for inviting me!
Rose Petal says
This looks like a winner. Thanks so much for sharing about this squash. I found your post through Backyard Farming Connection. I’m eager to try tromboncino here in central FL. It reminds me of our edible gourd (Cucuzzi) we grew this year for the first time. Did you know that the leaves of squash, pumpkin, and gourd vines are also very edible? I recently wrote a post all about cucuzzi and the edible vine here in case you’re interested:
Susan says
I didn’t know that the leaves are edible – so glad you let me know! And we are growing Cucuzzi for the first time this year. A friend gave us seeds.
Kris @ Attainable Sustainable says
OH! I’ve heard that these are good for regions like mine where pickleworm is an issue! Thanks for the reminder.
Susan says
Sure thing, Kris!!!
Kris says
Susan, thanks for the reminder. I’ve been told that these do really well in my Hawaii climate. I can’t grow a zucchini to save my life, but if these do well and are as prolific as zucchini, they’ll serve the same purpose.
Susan Vinskofski says
Kris, they are quite prolific here in NEPA, although I don’t see anyone else growing them. I’ll be curious to hear how they do in Hawaii!