Here’s the dock that our neighbors had for years. It just got worse and worse and even had a tree growing on it. This year they finally replaced it. Here’s the new dock:
And the dock they built just for the tree. Ain’t that sweet?!
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Thank you for visiting Learning And Yearning. May "the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Num 6:24-26
Africanaussie says
so cute….
Marilyn Gates says
Our quilt group gathered around my kitchen table yesterday (Monday, Oct. 7) and Karen shared with us the story about the tree with it’s very own dock! I like that, many people would have pulled it out and discarded the nice little tree. When did we get the mind-set that destroying a living thing such as that was a good thing? Nice to see such thoughfulness.
By the way, Karen is part of a small group who make quilts for charity and share them with those in need. Especially with children in stressful situations. We gather together twice a month and have a great time around the kitchen table. Most times it turns into some really good conversation, and I cherish the love and fellowship we share.
Grow and prosper little tree!
Susan says
I so appreciate your taking the time to stop by and comment. May your quilting group grow and prosper as well!