I enjoy taking something that no longer has use and making it into “something else”. Old glass bottles, a little acid etching cream, and that “something else” can end up attractive. Here’s how I do it:
Cut a design out of clear contact paper. In this case, I traced a fern and cut it out.
I placed the contact paper on a glass jar that had contained sea salt.
I covered the entire jar in Armour Etching Cream, available at any craft supply store. In the case of the green juice glasses at the top of this post, I did the reverse. The fern design is etched. With the clear bottle above, all but the fern design is etched.
After 5 or minutes, I washed off the etching cream. (A friend saves the cream to re-use. I tried that and just ended up with a mess). I added a pump to complete my soap dispenser.
Here is a wine bottle I use to water plants.
Have you tried etching glass? What projects have you completed?
Thank you for visiting Learning And Yearning. May "the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Num 6:24-26
Leah says
Yep! I love it!!!
I did a glass coffee mug for my dad for Christmas 🙂
He wanted palm trees on it (I have done my own stencils with contact paper before as well – but the ready-made design I had for palm trees was just too easy and allows you to have much more detail in the design – have you seen those before?)
the special thing was – he asked for the palm trees – but I added something secret.
On the bottom of the glass I did a mirror image of “papa”, so that when he finished his coffee, he would see the words greeting him at the bottom of the glass 🙂
I was just recently at his house and put away the dishes in the dishwasher. When I saw that mug from years ago, it brought back such joy!!!
learningandyearning says
Ohhhhh! What a sweet story. I have seen the ready made stencils, but haven’t used them. I do like the idea of more detail.
nkawawaki says
Susan, these are gorgeous! Great project for my girlies and me.
learningandyearning says
Thanks, Nicole. Let me know what you make. It’s really quite easy.
terry says
Hi Susan! Just visited your site via Hometalk. Glass cutting and etching landed on my “have to try this!” list for a while now, just haven’t tried it yet. I’ve gathered a few bottles I’d like to turn into glasses, finally got a glass cutter, but now what?! I guess I should practice on bottles I won’t mind messing up. Any tips you can share? As for the etching, you mentioned you did a “reverse” etch (the green ones with the fern etch). How is this done? Thanks so much, looking forward to the newsletter and blog updates!
Susan Vinskofski says
Hi Terry, I’ve never perfected the art of glass cutting, but have cut a few nice pieces here and there. I googled “how to cut bottles” and read everything I could, and watched lots of videos. Be prepared for lots of failures!!! But it you persevere, you’ll succeed, at least here and there. When I cut out the fern design from contact paper, I didn’t apply that to the green jars, I applied the background part. That way, the fern design was left open to etch.
So glad to have you here!!!
Lois Doan Welsch says
My favorite are the juice glasses. I love this project, Susan. Did you do all of the etching recently or over time? Tracing the fern was a great idea. No, I haven’t completed a project lately but I do daydream about it, and you inspire me. And I still have plenty of jars packed away in my shed. When I do, I’ll let you know….
Lois Doan Welsch says
p.s. love your new banner – where is it?
learningandyearning says
Thanks! This is taken from the deck of my sister-in-laws home at Lake Shickshinny.
learningandyearning says
Most of this was done recently, although I did the wine bottle about a year or so ago. I love the juice glasses, too, although I’d like to retake the photo when I have the opportunity. I cut the glasses from beer bottles and they seemed a bit plain so I decided to etch them. I’m still learning and they aren’t perfect, but I still like them. I think store bought stencils may give better results with cleaner edges.
Lois Doan Welsch says
I was going to ask you if you made the glasses,- which you should blog about before we loose you to gardening. haha. Ja’wan & I have been seeing a lot of them in our wash, sad to say. Beer bottles. I thought it was very unique that you traced a real fern for the stencil.
learningandyearning says
I have a number of things I want to make with the cut bottles before I blog about it. Mike just gave me the bottle cutter for my birthday in January, so it’s still a learning process. I broke a dozen or bottles already. The juice glasses are from beer bottles and I plan to give them to Seth as part of his birthday present next week.
nuttyonnutrition says
I love that idea! When I get use to all of this making yogurt and fermenting a million things at one time, I might take up my crafts once again *SIGH*
learningandyearning says
HaHa! One thing at a time, right?
Jennifer Ward-Pelar says
I am loving this!! So creative and beautiful!
learningandyearning says
Thanks, Jennifer! It’s quite easy as well.
The Sisters says
These are amazing!! Thanks for linking up to “Strut Your Stuff Saturday!” We hope to see you next week! -The Sisters
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jo n says
I have been wanting to do this with some clear glass coffee mugs. You mentioned in a previous comment that this was easy. How safe was it for your counters, etc? What “accident” preventative measures did you take?
Susan Vinskofski says
Well, I don’t think I’d want to get the cream on my counters, but if that were to happen, a quick wipe would solve the problem. It does take a little while for it to start etching. I just covered my work area with newspaper.
Emma Carpenter says
Never done it but always wanted to. Just so happen, I am in a creative mood right now and I’m sure I will etch something soon. Thanks for sharing.