I believe that the most important thing you can do to ensure a pest-free garden is to build healthy soil that produces healthy plants. Still, there will be times that you want a few strategies to control aphids and other insects in your organic garden.
Continue ReadingHow to Control Slugs and Snails in your Organic Garden
The most frequent questions I get regarding organic gardening concern control of disease and insects. My answer tends to frustrate people, because I believe that the most important thing you can do to ensure a pest-free garden is to build healthy soil that produces healthy plants. We live in an imperfect world, of course, so there will surely be times that you want a few strategies to control slugs and snails in your organic garden.
Continue ReadingCanned Pears Sweetened with Maple Syrup
We have two beautiful espalier pear trees that are finally, after 5 or 6 years, producing enough pears that I am able to can some for winter use. And we really enjoy these canned pears sweetened with maple syrup instead of sugar.
Continue ReadingHomemade Garlic Scape Powder
In northern climates, gardeners grow what is called hardneck garlic because it thrives in cold temperatures. In late spring, hardneck garlic produces a leafless, curly, flowering stem called a scape. The scape itself is delicious, and can be used in many ways. Garlic scape powder is one of many ways I use garlic scapes, and while I love garlic powder and make my own, making scape powder is a much easier process.
Continue ReadingBeginner’s Guide to Water Bath Canning
What is Water Bath Canning
Water bath canning is a great skill to have when it comes to preserving the harvest. Choose water bath canning to preserve high acid foods like jams, jellies, fruit, most tomatoes and sauces, pickles, relishes and vinegar based condiments.
Even if you live in a small apartment, this is a skill you can learn and practice now before you are able to move to your dream homestead. Fruits and vegetables can be purchased at Farmer’s Markets even if you don’t yet have your own garden.
Continue ReadingWhat are Ramial Wood Chips and How to Use Them
You are likely familiar with wood chips, which refer to any woody material which has been broken down into small chips. Ramial wood chips, on the other hand, may be new to you. Also known as arborist wood chips, ramial wood chips are made from small diameter (under 3″) tree branches and often include the fresh leaves of the tree.
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