Using Alfalfa as a Supplement in Your Garden
Alfalfa, a perennial flowering legume, is mainly known as an animal feed. But I love it because it there are so many benefits to using alfalfa in the garden.
It can be used in any of its forms:
- freshly chopped alfalfa – lightly dig into the soil
- alfalfa hay – use as mulch, or in layers as you build a lasagna garden
- alfalfa meal – this is dried, ground alfalfa and can be sprinkled around the garden
- alfalfa pellets – alfalfa meal formed into pellets – check to be sure there are no other ingredients – sprinkle around the garden
- alfalfa tea – brewed by putting a cup of meal into a 5 gallon bucket and filling with water. Let this sit for several days. It will get stronger and more odiferous the larger you brew it. Strain the tea and water plants with it, or use it as a foliar spray.
This plant is just one of those all around good guys! I don’t garden without it.
Here are 10 great benefits to using alfalfa in your garden:
1. Good Source of Minerals
Alfalfa is a good source of nitrogen, along with several other minerals including:
- phosphorus
- potassium
- calcium
- sulfur
- magnesium
- boron
- iron
- zinc
The N-P-K ratio for alfalfa is approximately 3 – 1 – 3, depending on its source.
2. Builds Organic Matter
Alfalfa builds organic matter in your soil providing nutrients to plant roots. Its high nitrogen content helps other organic material to decompose. Organic matter also helps to prevent compaction, acts like a sponge and holds moisture in the soil, improves soil structure, and helps to prevent erosion.
3. Feeds Microorganisms
The microorganisms in your soil love alfalfa because of the protein, amino acids, fiber and sugars in its stalk – items they need to thrive. Alfalfa hay has an almost perfect balance of carbon to nitrogen (24:1) which soil organisms require.
4. Stimulates Growth
Alfalfa contains triacontanol, a hormone which stimulates the growth of plant roots, enhances photosynthesis, and increases beneficial microbes which help to suppress many soil-borne diseases.
5. Fixes Nitrogen
Alfalfa actually takes nitrogen from the air and holds it as nodules on its roots, a process called “nitrogen fixing”. Â This nitrogen becomes available in the soil for other plants to use when the alfalfa plant is cut down and its roots are left in the soil, or when the plant is turned into the soil.
6. Stimulates Compost
When added to your compost pile, alfalfa acts as a stimulator. It decomposes rapidly, creating heat which helps the rest of your compost to decompose. And the finished compost will have higher nutrient levels when alfalfa is used. Higher nutrient levels in your compost and soil means more nutrient-dense produce in your garden.
7. Controls Harmful Nematodes
A study in Italy showed that alfalfa pellets significantly reduced infestation of root-knot nematode on tomato plants, and cyst nematode on carrots. As an added bonus, yields for both tomatoes and carrots were increased in comparison to the control groups.
8. Provides Drought Resistance
Because of alfalfa’s sponge-like ability to absorb and hold moisture, it helps plants grown in that soil to be more resistant to periods of low rain.
9. Is a Dynamic Accumulator
Alfalfa roots reach down into the sub-soil up to 8 feet, bringing valuable hard-to-reach nutrients up to the soil surface where they are stored in the leaves of the plant. Using the cut alfalfa in your garden and compost adds these nutrients to the upper layers of your soil where other garden plants can use them. Alfalfa is particularly good at bringing iron to the surface, a micro-nutrient needed for chlorophyll synthesis.
10. Is a Great Cover Crop
Leaving garden beds bare in the winter exposes them to the harsh elements of weather. They should always be mulched, or a cover crop should be planted. Also known as “green manure”, cover crops are generally planted in the fall and then dug into the soil in the spring to improve soil. The crop may also be cut down at the soil level and used as a mulch, rather than digging it in. All of the above benefits would apply.
Where to Get Alfalfa
Alfalfa, unfortunately, can be difficult to find organically grown, although it may be found here in 20# packages. It is sold as animal feed, but may be used as a garden supplement.
The bales of alfalfa found at stores such as Tractor Supply are genetically modified. Because of this, we are growing our own small patch (approximately 15′ x 15′) of alfalfa to use as mulch. Alfalfa can be cut about 3 times each summer, and each cut goes to a different area of the garden, since there is not enough to cover the entire garden in one cutting.
What ways have you used alfalfa in your garden? Did you find it beneficial?
To learn how to build a garden that builds healthy soil, be sure to check out my eBook The Art of Gardening: Building Your Soil. You really can become a better gardener, and you really can grow healthy, nourishing produce. It’s all about the soil! Click here to buy now.
Thank you for visiting Learning And Yearning. May "the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Num 6:24-26
Amber says
Love this post! Adding it to my Gardening Pinterest board. I am starting a new garden (just moved into a new house) and I am always looking for highly beneficial plants!!
Be Well,
Susan says
Hi Amber! Glad you stopped by. I hope you do add alfalfa in some form to your garden; it will really make a difference.
Joyce says
We have started our garden, and I am always looking for natural ways to tend to it. We live in Louisiana if I was to plant this now would it help just to grow it in the garden? Also what about propagation? There is a blog for you.
Followed you here from the Clever Chicks Blog Hop, new follower by email, also would love for you to share on Tuesdays With a Twist Link Up.
Susan says
Hi Joyce, Thanks for the invitation – I linked up!! I always use baled alfalfa hay. I hope to grow alfalfa sometime, but I haven’t up to now, so I can’t really advise. So sorry.
Joyce says
Thanks for linking up.
When you do I would love to hear what you have to say, I purchased some oats for food as well as creating hummus with the spent plants.
Susan says
Will do!
Janis says
How do you create humus with spent plants? Do you use oats for that?
Jennifer @ Spiral Ridge Permaculture says
Joyce, growing alfalfa in the southeast is not as easy or productive than in more northern climates. I have even heard that Kentucky is as far south you can go and get a long standing, productive crop. The heat and humidity make it shorter lived and harder to establish here (I am in TN). If you still want to try check out this link
Good Luck!
Kristen @ Smithspirations says
I haven’t grown into raising plants for green manure or mulch yet, so alfalfa hasn’t been on my radar screen. You gave me lots to think about!
Susan says
Well, same here. So far, I only use baled alfalfa hay. I do want to plant some soon, though.
Lisa says
Great post. I found you on The Scoop linky party. I will be back for sure!
I am giving away a set of Ball Canning blue pint jars on my blog right now, I hope you’ll stop by!
Fresh Eggs Daily
Susan says
I entered! Thanks for letting me know!
Mary@Back to the Basics! says
Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing at Tuesdays with a Twist!!!
Susan says
Is this the same alfalfa that is used to make alfalfa sprouts?
Susan says
Well, you would sprout the seeds of alfalfa. For your garden, you would use the plant, either fresh or dried.
Chris says
Wow that’s great info – our yard and garden could definitely use some of that magic alfalfa touch…. after all the snow melts! Where oh where are you spring? 🙂
Susan says
Thanks, Chris. It seems that spring is a long time coming everywhere this year. At least we don’t have snow here in PA.
I checked out your page and scheduled to share your elderberry post on fb later today. We just planted 2 bushes.
Lisa Lynn says
Great info! A lot of alfalfa is gmo now, so you might want to check that. Thanks for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop!
Susan Vinskofski says
Yes, we are planning to set aside a section of our yard to grow alfalfa because of this issue.
Jenny says
Great post! I’m passing this info on to my husband. We’re trying to grow a few cover crops this year and this looks like it would work for us. Thank you for linking this up to the HomeAcre Hop. Look forward to seeing you again tomorrow.
K.V.Srihari says
It’s not of Indian origin, so no
Indian name.
It is a very good fodder for milching cattle.The tincture made from it is used by homeopaths as a energising tonic.
Jared says
If you spread out Alfalfa hay from bales, do you not end up with alfalfa sprouts all over your garden? I am about to truck in some fresh compost and till it up with my standing soil and was thinking of mixing in a few bales of alfalfa but I just got all of the grass out of the area and I don’t particularly want alfalfa growing like crazy in the garden either.
Susan Vinskofski says
I build my gardens in layers, Jared, and the hay is a lower layer which keeps weeds from sprouting. I never dig my garden. So, I would spread a thin layer of alfalfa, then perhaps a layer of leaves, and the compost would be the top layer. Another strategy I use is to age the hay, allowing it to sprout and begin to decompose before using it. My new eBook The Art of Gardening: Building Your Soil teaches this method of gardening:
Marc Kaufman says
My friends grow alfalfa for horses in a he Plant City, FL area. Alfalfa should be cut when only about 1/3 of them he crop has flowers, which should mean they haven’t produced seeds yet. If cut at that time, it has the best nutritional value for horses, cattle, and perhaps plants, too.
Jim North says
Received this from a friend, who has the same like I have in my garden.
Reagan Dobler says
I have used alfalfa pellets in my garden for over 30 years. I hand toss them into all of my garden areas in the Spring. Roses love alfalfa pellets and I incorporate them into the soil gently around each rose in the Spring too. Doesn’t take a lot but the difference in my plants growth and “show” is very noticeable . My Grandfather clued me into the benefits of alfalfa when I was a little girl. I never forgot his wise teachings and his practices have always served me well.
Pamela @ says
I give alfalfa hay to my Ladies (chickens), I toss a wedge or two to them in the pen. It is nice especially in the winter as that way they get some greens while snow is on the ground and when I go to rake up what is left after they have scratched, pecked and pooped on it, it makes the BEST compost.
CTY says
Very good post! I have 2 questions about using alfalfa pellets.
1. I would prefer to scatter pellets in the raised beds and then cover lightly soil. What kind of odor can I expect?
2. I understand that using a GMO alfalfa supports the GMO farming industry, but are there any “side affects” to my plants? Ideally, I will buy organic, GMO-free brand–but I am not sure if it is available in my area. Also–does the bag have to say GMO product?
Susan Vinskofski says
I wouldn’t expect any negative odor from the alfalfa pellets. Alfalfa has a lovely smell. If the alfalfa doesn’t say organic, or GMO-free, you can assume that it is genetically modified. You can expect GMO alfalfa to contain pesticides and herbicides. Adding it to your garden in the fall should allow those to break down over the winter. Beyond that, I don’t really know what dangers it would pose. I’m not saying that it won’t, just that I don’t really know.
Janis says
Pesticides have different half-lives, not sure how long it would take to decompose.
Eric says
I was enlightened to alfalfa pellets as an amendment several years ago by an older hippie couple who swore by it. I looked around at their garden area and was really impressed. They gave me 2 bags of it but I never got around to adding it that year. When I got around to it, I cut the bags open to spread it around and I was totally shocked…. It had created the most awesome earthworm colony I had ever seen. They were 20lb bags and there were hundreds of worms, healthy, big worms…I seriously could not believe my eyes. Now, not only do I add it to my garden beds, but I set a bag aside specifically for worm production which I add to my compost bin every year, and……I no longer purchase worms for fishing.
Susan Vinskofski says
What a great idea!
Marc Kaufman says
I guess you’d say I’m a bit beyond backyard gardening, but started out that way. I now have about 100 acres in Ecuador which I started planting last July with the plan of being organic and using permaculture, which hasn’t been easy. I also have 6 horses I brought down here and am planning to grow alfalfa for them. Originally, I thought I’d set aside an area for that. I’d seen clover and 1 or 2 other cover crop seeds listed on I got to thinking about planting alfalfa between the rows of cacao, plantains, and various other plants since (I believe) clover and alfalfa are closely related. I was talking to my farm crew supervisor about the idea yesterday. Not surprisingly, he had no idea. I say “not surprisingly” only because my experience (including that I didn’t want rows) has been that recent generations have been brainwashed to use chemicals as the solution for everything.
Anyway, I’m very happy your site popped up first in my search. If this concise, detailed info is an example of what I will find, I expect to be spending a lot of time here! Thanks so much
Susan Vinskofski says
Well, thank you so much for you kind words! I wish you success in your endeavors!
Richard Carpenter says
I ve been using alfalpha pellets mixed in my soil for containers and top dress plants in containers and in the garden for two years now . WOW .I M having great trouble getting around .Hauling in quantities of leaves , grass clippings and hay are too much for me .Handling scoops of alfalpha pellets is a lot easier .The vigorous growth and yields are as good as , if not better than the sheet composting l d been doing .I m a huge fan .
Mary Ellen Fountaine says
Where can i buy alphalpha pellets?
Susan Vinskofski says
I have found them on Amazon and have purchased them through Azure Standard.
John says
My mother loves to garden, but I know she had some trouble with her crops growing well last year. Could it be she has a lack of nutritive soil? If so, it seems like alfalfa could be helpful for her garden to get the nutrients in needs for her plants this year.
aurorganic says
Carol Smith says
Organic Alfalfa Pellets can now Be Found at Tractor Supply.
Susan Vinskofski says
That’s exciting news; I’ll have to check that out next time I’m at Tractor Supply.
Mary Ellen Fountaine says
Kaye Kittrell says
I just started recommending alfalfa pellets in my videos on my channel, and someone asked about the benefits and I found your post and shared it in a comment. Thanks for a great post! Please check out my videos (300+) when you get a chance!
Susan Vinskofski says
Thank you, Kaye, I will!
Lily says
Thanks for the also love gardening..Didn’t know the answer what alfalfa do until Kaye Kittrell from late blooming send me here…loves her video..anyway thank so much..
Susan Vinskofski says
I was happy to be introduced to Kaye through this post! So glad that you stopped by – hope the information helps.
Diana Hansberry says
Great info!
Does alfalfa die off in winter? I’d love to know more about how you harvest it for the cuttings. Do you use a mower with a bagger? How much do you cut ?
Susan Vinskofski says
Hi Diana, alfalfa is a perennial and will come back each year, but doesn’t always have a long lifespan. We seem to only get about 4 years out of it. Our patch is small and yes, we use the lawn mower with a bagger. We do this 2 – 3 times a year.