Little House on the Prairie and Crabapple Jelly
Do you remember when, in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s book, Farmer Boy, Almanzo’s parents went away for a week and left the children at home to look after the farm? Mother kept a barrel of store-bought sugar in the pantry which was to last the year. One of her instructions to them while she was away? Don’t eat all the sugar!
But they made ice cream, and pulled candy, and pound cake, oh my.
They looked into the sugar-barrel and they could see the bottom of it. Only Alice tried to be cheerful. “We must hope for the best,” she said, like Mother. “There’s some sugar left. Mother said, ‘Don’t eat all the sugar,’ and we didn’t. There’s some around the edges.”
Farmer Boy has to be my favorite of the “Little House” books. And why not – it’s about food after all! For the Ingalls, getting enough to eat was often a struggle. Store-bought sugar would not have been a common part of their larder. Not so for the Wilders.
Crabapple Jelly
One of the ways that Mother Wilder would have used her sugar was to make crabapple jelly. According to The Little House Cookbook, “No guide to pioneer preserves can omit crabapple jelly, one of the many adornments of the Wilder supper table.” You can find recipes and learn more about the food they ate at the Little House on the Prairie ® website.
Crabapples are native to North America. This tart, small apple is high in pectin; no added pectin is needed when making crabapple jelly. Crabapples are often added to other fruits for jelly making as well, in place of pectin, like this recipe for Hedgerow Jelly.
I like to freeze my jelly, but Oak Hill Homestead gives instructions for canning and her version of Harvest Apple Jelly in this post.
Notice the 5 seeds that form a star. This assures you that your foraged fruit is indeed an apple.
More Than Weeds
A Foraging eCourse for Beginners

Are you interested in foraging, but a bit hesitant because you don’t trust your own abilities? I created a mini eCourse just for you. In More Than Weeds: 5 Common Plants to Forage for Food and Medicine you’ll learn that identifying plants is all in the details.
Using common plants with which may be someone familiar you’ll learn beginner botany skills that you will be able to use as you move forward. You’ll gain confidence to use these plants for your family in food and safe, home remedies. Get started now!
Crabapple Jelly
- 8 cups crabapples
- 2 cups organic sugar
- Wash the crabapples and remove the stems. Cut each in half to be sure there is no rot or worms.
- Place in a large pot and cover with filtered water. Simmer for about 30 minutes until the crabapples are soft.
- Strain into a jelly bag (juice strainer). Squeezing the bag will produce more juice, but will also cloud the jelly.
- Add ½ cup organic sugar for every cup of juice produced. Boil over high heat until gelling point is reached.
- To test, place a spoonful of jelly on a plate and let cool for a minute in the refrigerator. Then run your finger through the jelly. If it remains separated on the plate, your jelly is done.
- Pour the jelly into hot, sterile 8 ounce canning jars leaving 1/2” space at the top. The jelly may be processed in a water bath canner for 5 minutes (adjust for high altitudes), or may be frozen.
Be sure to visit Little House on the Prairie ® on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
Thank you for visiting Learning And Yearning. May "the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Num 6:24-26
Rebecca Schmitz says
Can you use Agave in place of honey?
Susan Vinskofski says
Hi Rebecca, I don’t use agave, so I don’t have any experience with using it for jellies. I think you’d find your answer with a google search. 🙂
Lisa says
Do you use the water you boiled the crab apples in? I see recipes like yours that say to strain the cooked fruit for the juice, but is that strained into the water you initially cooked with? Thank you!
Susan Vinskofski says
Hi Lisa, you take the water and apples that are cooked in that water and put it all into a strainer. The resulting juice is used for the jelly. Thanks for stopping by!
Tracy says
I just made wild grape juice and jelly, tomorrow crab apple!
Francisco says
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Nancy Pallotto says
Can you use regular sugar, if so, is it the same amount? Thanks.
Susan Vinskofski says
Yes, you sure can and it’s the same as using organic sugar.
PJ says
I was glad you included the info to use 1/2cup sugar per cup of juice…I just yesterday came across a crabapple tree while out watching the eclipse but probably only found, maybe, 2 cups of apple’s…gonna attempt a mini batch!!!
Liz Balise says
Susan, Reading about rose hips and would like to mix some in from my knock out bushes. Another site speaks of removing hairs around seeds. Would the straining take care of that?
Susan Vinskofski says
Hi Liz! Yes, straining will remove the seeds and hairs. The rose hips would make a nice addition to the jelly.
Lisa L Lombardo says
Yum! My Gram used to make crabapple jelly and I loved it! I’m looking for a crabapple tree to plant in my yard next spring. Thanks for sharing on Farm Fresh Tuesdays!
Lisa L Lombardo says
Susan…I’m featuring this post on Farm Fresh Tuesdays tonight! Congrats! I hope you’ll stop by and share more of your wonderful articles!
Susan Vinskofski says
Thank you, Lisa!